Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Get the Kespon ID Guard Stamp on! The Perfect Alternative to Expensive and Time Consuming Shredders!

When it comes to identity theft, the better you look on paper, the more likely you are to be targeted by people with bad intentions. There is an endless amount of ways for a thief to steal your identity; and it all starts with the thief's ability to get access to certain key pieces of information that belong to you. Here's just a few things the thief is looking for:
  • Your Social Security Card
  • Your Driver's License 
  • Your Account Numbers, Pins and Passwords
But for those of you who have never encountered such an evil person might wonder, besides stealing your wallet or purse or hacking your computer, how can someone do this to you?

In this world, the answers to that question vary from obvious to the very unusual. Here are just a couple of the sources a thief may go to obtain your personal information:
  • Your trash. Because people find it hard to believe that anyone would want to go through garbage cans, they throw away things like unsolicited credit card applications, old bills, expired credit cards, unused checking account deposit slips and countless other papers. So, for the identity thief, "dumpster diving" can provide a rich collection of personal information that can be used to become you.  
  •  Your mailbox. In the wrong hands, your incoming mail can be a the jackpot spot for information about you. A bill from your credit card company, a statement from your checking account, an unsolicited offer of a new, pre-approved credit card (complete with application). And your outgoing mail may include personal checks you are sending to pay bills (containing your routing and checking account numbers). If you don't have a locked mailbox for incoming and outgoing mail, you are vulnerable.  
There is actually a fairly new product out to reduce your vulnerabilities and trick those "dumpster divers" called The Kes'pon ID Guard Stamp.

This product stamps a unique pattern to mask your private and confidential information.

This is a very easy and affordable alternative to buying expensive and bulky shredders. It is available in a 2.75×1-inch version for $19.99 or a smaller 1.5×0.5-inch version for $9.99 in a multitude of fun colors!

For more information or for Wholesale Inquiries Contact Us at

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